sreda, 6. november 2013

Hei Suomi

Aspects of Outdoor
6. – 16.10. 2013
Metsäkartano Youth and Wilderness Centre,

Welcome to the Aspects of Outdoors training for trainers that will take place in Metsäkartano Youth and Wilderness Centre, RautavaaraFinland, from the 6th to the16th of October 2013!
We are group of trainers/teachers/youth workers from SloveniaHungaryFrance and Finland, and we are interested to get real Finnish nature experience thru aspects of outdoors.
Our youth exchange will take place in Metsäkartano Youth and Wilderness Centre and in TiilikkajärviNational Park in Finland, in the middle of real wilderness nature. We will practice different ways to move in the nature inner and outer way. We also share good practises.
Brief description of the project:
Aspects of outdoor, is a 10 day training for 20+ aged trainers who are working with youth or youth work training and usind outdoors in their work. Training will give new aspects of “outdoor pedagogies” (outdoor and adventure education and experiential learning) through personal experience. Training will be organized in co-operation with 4 organization: CŠOD - Center šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti from Slovenia , Élményakadémiá from Hungary, CEMEA from France and Youth Centre Metsäkartano from Finland.
- Improve outdoor trainer personal skills (soft, hard and meta)
- Gain theoretical background and methods used in outdoor pedagogies
- Get personal experience in Finnish wilderness through different outdoor activities

Center Metsakartano

10 nepozabnih dni v čarobni finski naravi, med čudovitimi finskimi gostitelji je šest sodelavcev, znancev in kolegov povezalo v pristno prijateljstvo, ki se bo upam nadaljevalo še vrsto let.

Dani, Lili, Matej, Igor, spredaj sedi Tilen !


Lili, Igor, Matej, Dani, Tilen in Duka - skupina posameznikov iz različnih koncev Slovenije, ki so nas na podlagi prijav izbrali v našem zavodu CŠOD ( Centru šolskih in obšolskih dejavnosti ) je predstavljala naše delo, podjetje in Slovenijo na desetdnevnem izobraževanju " Trening za trenerje" (učitelji življenja v naravi) v finskem centru Metsakartano v bližini mesteca Rautavaara, 127 km severno od Kuopia.







Hyvӓsti Suomi ! 

 Naslednjič pa še nekaj filmskih zapisov in kratka predstavitev finske tradicije-savnanja !

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